An essential pillar of the work of the Oderbruch Museum are the partner projects from the fields of art and culture distributed throughout the Oderbruch on the respective annual themes. Since 2021 it is the Kommunale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Oderbruch, which makes this important project work at the cultural heritage sites possible through its cultural fund.
Here you will find an overview of the various projects.
Partner projects on the annual theme 2025 SUSTAINABILITY
An alphabet of the neighborhood, two photo exhibitions, two village history projects, a documentary film and a Kawent beer: as in previous years, the range of partner projects 2025 is wide-ranging.
A total of six projects can be funded from the Oderbruch Municipal Working Group's cultural resources fund in 2025. The Letschiner Heimatstuben will make a documentary film entitled "Neighborhood - rural community today" about people who are new to the community in order to promote conversation between long-time residents and newcomers. In collaboration with Seelow schoolchildren, an "alphabet of the neighborhood" will be created in the Altlangsow school and prayer house with text-image collages by young people. The photographer Holger Herschel is working on a photo reportage that takes a look at the bridges over the Oder as places of German-Polish neighborhood and documents them as everyday places of exchange, encounter and neighborhood. The Domäne Wollup e.V. association seeks to talk to the people in and around Wollup and is developing the exhibition "Neighborhood in Transition - From Koppe's Life to the Present" based on the knowledge of the local people, especially about agriculture. The history of village neighborhoods is also the focus in Bliesdorf. The association Dörfliche Alltagskultur e.V. is using three different formats to tell the story of the village and its neighbors under the title "Bliesdorfs Gute Stube": The Heimatstube is being redesigned together, the chroniclers are forming a team and an internet platform is inviting neighbors to participate digitally. What about the village pubs in the Oderbruch, which for a long time were places where neighbors met, exchanged ideas, formed opinions and socialized, if not the focal point of the village? Heike Zappe approaches this topic in a photo exhibition.
A 7th partner project is likely to come to fruition thanks to funding from the Frankfurt(Oder) Chamber of Crafts: The Hänselgesellschaft Altwustrow brews "Kawentbier" - a traditional beer for the neighborhood made from crushed malt.
We will also inform you about the progress of the projects, event dates and results via our Newsletter and on the page
The annual theme for 2026 has not yet been decided. As soon as the decision has been made, we will provide information here on the topic and how you can get involved via partner projects.
Archive partner projects
Partner projects on the annual theme 2024 Church

The 2nd Paffen Tour - Bicycle excursion and Hubertus Mass.
The start is on July 7th at 13.00 o'clock in Sietzing [...]

LUX AETERNA - About learning and praying
Art exhibition in and talk about the Altlangsow school and prayer house. The exhibition will be on display until June 23, 2024. [...]

Keep a network? - Create networks!
An installation project for Oderberg in the church of St. Nikolai. Opening service at the RIESA on 01.06.2024 at 14.00 hrs. [...]

Churches in Nieder-Oderbruch - centers of our villages?
A (thought) tour for residents - and also for hikers, cyclists and motorists [...]

Church in the Oderbruch
The church in Kienitz as an example of how the church can be more than just an institution and a building. Exhibition and lecture on September 7 and 8. [...]

Hiking and spirituality - On the trail of creation
A pilgrimage trail from the Haus der Naturpflege to the Malche Mission House. Opening on September 29 at 10.00 am. [...]

Pictures at cultural heritage sites in Neutornow on April 21
Exhibition on April 21 at 3 p.m. at the Neutornow pumping station [...]

Leave the church in the village
Concert, film and talks in the Wuschewier school and prayer house. July 6 from 3 p.m. and September 14 at 6 p.m. [...]

Sounding churches in the Oderbruch
A special experience is created for visiting selected open churches in the Oderbruch region [...]
Partner projects for the annual theme 2023 Youth

YOUTH cultural heritage site Wuschewier
YOUTH Heritage Site Wuschewier The school and prayer house in Wuschewier rethought, from 14.10. every Saturday from 16 clock. [...]

Youth in the Oderbruch
Youth in the Oderbruch A graffiti and a small doc film [...]

Digital by Kienitz and Wollup
Presentation of the walks on 01 September 2023 in Kienitz [...]

DENKMALJUGEND - Kienitz youth meet Kienitz tank
Exhibition at the T34 memorial in Kienitz, opening on August 19 at 11.00 a.m. [...]

Youth Art Day "Zukunfts(t)räume"
A cabinet exhibition of young people on June 17, 2023 from 3 pm in Altlangsow. [...]

My life in Wriezen
A music video with delinquent youth [...]

With the Buschdorf Kite Festival on October 21, 2023 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., the KiteTime reaches its climax and conclusion. [...]

Oderberg town center
This is not the end of the line - an interactive performance & research by Theater OKNO [...]
Partner projects for the annual theme 2022 Nature

About willows and baskets
An audio guide for the basket maker museum in Buschdorf by LAND-LAB [...]

A photo exhibition by Michael Anker and Pia Stach at the Haus der Naturpflege Bad Freienwalde. - 23.July. until 16.October. 2022 [...]

Over the field from village to village
from 29 October 2022 An informative circular walk through the natural and cultural area between Altwustrow and Neulietzegöricke. [...]

Oderbruch Nature 2022
A photo exhibition and a lecture in the Letschiner Heimatstuben. - 17.Sept. till 6.Nov. 2022 [...]

Dried flood - upheaval in the Oderbruch
On Sunday, 2.10.2022 A scenic reading and talks about nature and landscape in Kienitz, Altustrow and Buschdorf. [...]

An exhibition by Ulrike Mohr & Ingar Krauss at the Altlangsow School and Prayer House, curated by Harald Theiss - June 11 to August 28, 2022. [...]

The Peacock Herbs Tour
September 3, 2022 A guided bicycle excursion during which the history of the Oderbruch can be experienced. [...]
Partner projects for the annual theme 2021 Stubbornness

Loam print poppies
Karola Wirth traces the obstinacy of Jewish culture in the Oderbruch. [...]

small animal breeder
A photo and film project by René Arnold about the small animal breeders in the Oderbruch. [...]

Stubborn postcards artists of the culture store team and the collections of four heritage sites. [...]