Churches in Nieder-Oderbruch - centers of our villages?


A (thought) tour for residents - and also for hikers, cyclists and motorists

The project takes the expiry of the parish post in Neulietzegöricke as an opportunity to reflect on the future of the churches in Nieder-Oderbruch and to present them and their special features in a brochure. From the beginning of 2024, the former Protestant parishes of Neulietzegöricke (Niederes Oderbruch) and Neutrebbin (Oderbruch) with their total of 14 churches will belong to a joint parish district.

The parishioners will work together in the enlarged parish. The project is part of getting to know each other. The question of the future function of the church buildings with their respective special features will be the focus of the discussions initiated here.

Despite their different origins and times, churches have always been projects of the entire village communities. Today, these are no longer identical with the religious communities. For this reason, all village residents, as well as tourists and other visitors - and not just active church members - are expressly addressed.

The special features of the villages and their churches are pointed out. They are intended as an introduction for conversations but also as information for tours of all kinds from church to church (in sections of your choice). There are pictures and brief information about each church, including a reference to the heritage site. Reference is made to further sources of information and the possibilities for visiting.

A simple road map with kilometers on a scale of approximately 1:100,000 will illustrate the traffic connections between the churches. Smoothly paved roads with little traffic are the main connections. Unfortunately, there are no dedicated cycle paths. Where there are fixed field paths for cyclists as shortcuts or parallel routes, these are indicated. It is recommended that you also use your own maps.

The brochure should be kept available in the parishes, in the districts of the political communities and also for tourists. At the same time, the texts can be used to announce special events to present this and other projects of individual and several churches.

Gisela Sommer and Dr. Georg Bauer, members of the parish council in Neulietzegöricke, Dr. Dirk Steffens, parish council in Neutrebbin, and Dr. Udo Schagen, Hänsel Society in Altwustrow, are responsible for the content of the texts and for editing.

A public presentation of the brochure is scheduled for the second week of July

About the pictures: They are all drafts for the brochure:

Author: Private