An exhibition of the Kienitzer Ortsverein Heimat und Landschaft e.V.
The young people in the village of Kienitz grew up with the T34 tank of the Red Army. It stands in the middle of the village as a monument and part of the cultural heritage of the Oderbruch.
The Kienitz local association Heimat und Landschaft e.V. was interested in how this tank and its symbolic power is evaluated under the current conditions. Thus, within the framework of the annual theme "Youth in the Oderbruch", an exhibition project was created that focuses on the perspectives of the young people of Kienitz on this monument. They were asked three questions: "What do you think of the tank/armor monument and what does it stand for you? Is this monument still up to date? You have three wishes free - what are they?" In addition, the young people were asked to take a selfie expressing their personal attitude towards the T34.
The diverse answers - from: "For me, the tank he belongs to Kienitz and commemorates the liberation of Nazi Germany by the Allies" to "I would find a monument that carries within it a symbol of peace more fitting" - and the individual photos form the basis of the exhibition, which will be on display at the T34 tank memorial in Kienitz for two months starting August 19, 2023.
Most of the young people from Kienitz and Kienitz North participated. Some only contributed a photograph, others only their answer to the questions. The results, presented anonymously, reflect the diversity of attitudes, thoughts and opinions in our society, write the exhibition organizers. Anyone who would like to look into this mirror is cordially invited to the opening of the exhibition DENKMALJUGEND on August 19, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. at the cultural heritage site Denkmalensemble Weltkriege Kienitz.
The Kienitzer Ortsverein Heimat und Landschaft e.V. would like to thank all the young people who participated in the exhibition project.