Partner projects for the annual theme 2023 Youth

From Dragon Time to Future Spaces - Nine Projects at Cultural Heritage Sites

Go to Annual theme 2023 Youth  nine projects are being funded. The topics are diverse, ranging from the production of a music video with young people from the correctional facility in Wriezen to collages on future dreams and spaces to joint kite building. All partner projects will be presented here in detail as soon as public dates have been set or initial work results are available.

The Friends of the Wuschewier School and Prayer House, together with young people from the surrounding area, are asking themselves the question of how a youth heritage site, the Wuschewier School and Prayer House, should be designed. Under the heading "YOUTH Heritage Site"visions for a youth-friendly conversion are being developed and made visible in a multimedia exhibition within the school and prayer house. A temporary walk-in space of ideas is to be created.

Under the heading "Youth in the Oderbruch" the Letschiner Heimatstuben house Birkenweg
in a dialogue between young and old and in cooperation with young people from the municipality of Letschin, the Makerspace & Medienlabor Boberhaus as well as the Heimatverein Letschin e. V. make a documentary film about youth in Letschin and design a graffiti on a wall on the property of the heritage site Heimatstuben Haus Birkenweg.

To Future (t)spaces will be the topic at the Altlangsow School and Prayer House. What future prospects do young people between 14 and 21 associate with the region? What visions and fears do they have for their homeland? What do they need and what do they bring to the table? What about staying here, leaving, coming back? And what contacts with Polish peers across the Oder would they like to have? These questions will be the focus of a workshop that renowned artist Erika Stürmer-Alex will hold at her art farm near Lietzen with students from the art class at Seelow High School. The result will be an exhibition of collages in Altlangsow.

In Oderberg there is no meeting place, no bathing place, no kick area, no retreat for young people. In cooperation with the cultural heritage site Binnenschifffahrtsmuseum Oderberg and the association Perspektive Oderberg e.V., Theater OKNO would like to open up a creative and emotional space for young people from Oderberg in dance and knitting rounds to discuss questions about the perspective of young people. The results flow into a Dance theater piece and an exhibition presented in the city and in the Museum Park.

THINK-MAL-YOUTH is a project of the Kienitz local association Heimat und Landschaft e.V. under the direction of photographer Jörg Hannemann. The young people in the village of Kienitz "grew up" with the T34 tank of the Red Army. It stands as a monument and part of the cultural heritage in the middle of the village. How do young people evaluate this tank and its symbolic power under the current conditions? Texts and self-portraits with the tank are to be created, which will be shown in an exhibition at the monument.

What youth means at a certain time or in a certain place can also be told by means of the objects that were and are related to young people. Photographer and filmmaker René Arnold wants to look for such objects in the collections of various heritage sites and talk to young people about them. The results of the project "Youth in 24 objects" will be on display in a traveling exhibition.

The elaboration of two digital walks is to give young people between 12-18 years of age from the villages of Kienitz and Wollup the opportunity to create multimedia

The project aims to take a new look at their places and to relate to them in very different ways - artistically, critically, reflexively, questioningly. Together with the association Domäne Wollup e. V., the Kienitzer Seniorenverein and the Thear-Museum Möglin and a group of young people, filmmaker Johanna Ickert tackles this project.

We will also inform you about the progress of the projects, event dates and results via our Newsletter  and on the page