Hiking trail Neulietzegöricke Altwustrow

Circular trail from fishermen to colonists:

in the European Cultural Heritage Oderbruch Project of the Club of Colonists Neulietzegöricke e. V. and the Hansel Society Altwustrow.

On the meadow of Wustrow in the Bruche, a formerly swampy and fish-rich land, people have been settling for at least 3,000 years because of its slightly higher location. With the straightening of the course of the Oder in the middle of the 18th century, new farmland was created as the basis of life for thousands of immigrants: the oldest new villages for immigrant colonists were Neulietzegöricke and Neuwustrow.

On this website you can also view the ten panels of the circular trail in sections. Details of the illustrations become clear and all information can be read.

On each panel you will find a graphic representation of the one-hour hiking and walking trail with the corresponding location - each marked by a red highlighted dot.

The illustrated panels cover the following topics and provide many additional notes:

Five panels to Altwustrow (light blue):

  • Welcome, hikers in the former fishing village Altwustrow
  • Horse breeding and maneuvering in the Neumark region
  • 270 years of school in Wustrow - in the end, coal was simply missing
  • Where "witches" show the way and how the master blacksmith recognizes his customers
  •  Where is there room for a cemetery when water levels are regularly high?

Five plates to Neulietzegöricke (dark red):

  • The oldest colonist village of the Oderbruch with a pub, church, consumption, club and colonist coffee shop
  • The Lietzer Schachtgraben: publicly and privately used meadow
  • How Lietze came to a toboggan hill
  • The long road from fishing to farming
  • Ditches and borders - melioration plans since 1809

This project of our two villages was funded under the partner program "Nature" of the Municipal Consortium of over 40 villages of the European Heritage Initiative in 2022.

The circular trail was presented to the public on 28.10.2022 by the residents of the villages.

>>> All boards for download

You can find more information about

and for details of the following panels on 
Simone Grieger griegersimone4@googlemail.com 
Dr. Ulf Grieger ugrieger@moz.de
Birgit north birgit.norden@berlin.de
Dr. Udo Schagen udo.schagen@fu-berlin.de