November 7, 2020

For the program day in November, the Oderbruch Museum once again focuses on the annual theme "People". A musical exhibition will honor the museum's longstanding collaboration with photographers Uli Seifert-Stühr, Stefan Schick and Michael Anker. The artists from the region have been setting out for five years to portray the inhabitants of the Oderbruch. We will present the results of this challenge this weekend. Thematically fitting we show the exhibition "Bruchgesichter". The photo series by Jörg Hannemann was created for the summer exhibition "BRUCH-KÖPFE. OR?", which the Förderverein Schul- und Bethaus Altlangsow presented on the annual theme of people as part of the series "Art in the Schinkelbau". In the Special Workshop, the artists Peggy Neumann and Jakob Rüdrich deal with the month of mourning in November in an audio-visual collage and invite visitors to participate.
The last announced premiere of the play "The Caretakers" on the current annual theme can unfortunately not take place in the museum due to the current situation. For this, the museum team was able to find suitable venues and dates to replace it:
November 6 / 7:30 pm Court Theater Bad Freienwalde
November 7 / 19:30 Oderbruchhalle Golzow
8 November / 16:00 Ortwig Inn
21 November / 19:30 Theater on the edge Customs Bridge