Once a year, the network partners of the heritage places meet to exchange ideas about current and future cooperation. This year we take a whole day. This is because all the Polish partners who were interviewed by students from the universities of Eberswalde and Potsdam as part of the Summer School 2020 have also been invited this year. We would like to take the opportunity to introduce them to the Oderbruch Museum Altranft in the morning. In the afternoon there will be a joint D-PL coffee talk. In the afternoon we are pleased to welcome Frank Schütz as a board member of the Kommunale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kulturerbe Oderbruch. Together we would like to discuss which future cooperations are conceivable among the participants.
Coffee talk for local culture will be held on Saturday, August 7, 11-18, Berg Schmidt Hof, Alte Heerstraße 10, 16259 Bad Freienwalde OT Altranft
11 a.m. Welcome, Berg Schmidt Hof
11:15 a.m. Joint tour of the Oderbruch Museum Altranft - Workshop for Rural Culture
- Group 1: About work with young people - Landscape education
- Group 2: European Heritage Label - Heritage Places Network
- Group 3: Objects and their stories - How do we make a museological collection come alive?
1 pm Lunch together
2 p.m. Coffee talk for local culture: German-Polish border region in the Oder-Warthebruch and future cooperation possibilities
5 pm Talk Perspectives Polish Cooperation
To participate, please send your registrations to the Oderbruch Museum (info@kulturerbe-oderbruch.de or 03344 1553901) by July 24.
The event is the winner of the "Machen!2020" ideas competition organized by Marco Wanderwitz, the Federal Government Commissioner for the New Federal States.