The annual theme 2023 Youth

Plakat Jugend im Bruch

Our projects for the annual theme YOUTH

Our main artistic project for the annual theme is in the hands of Hennig Wagenbreth. Raised in Eberswalde, he lives and works in Berlin. The large, gaudy poster he designed, "Youth in the Oderbruch," is already hanging in schools in the Oderbruch. From 01 July drawings by him can be seen scattered around the museum and in the park, which were created according to motifs from the conversations we had with young people from the Oderbruch region as part of our research.

The graphic portfolio by Henning Wagenbreth with 24 color offset prints has been published in an edition of 50 numbered and signed copies and can be purchased in the store of the Oderbruch Museum Altranft for 300 €. You can get an impression of the graphics here.

An installation by Antje Scholz on the subject of village schools will be on display in the Fischerhaus from April 2023.
In the resonance room on the upper floor of the castle, we will also be showing submissions from the orbruch-wide youth photo competition, which we called for, starting in April. The pictures taken by amateur photographers provide insights into young lives.

The entries for our diorama competition for schoolchildren from all over the Oderbruch region on the theme of "Favorite Places" were shown.

In the summer school "Youth Mobility in the Countryside", which we are conducting together with students from the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNE) and the Institute of Landscape Architecture at the TU Dresden, one of the topics at the end of May will be how young people get from A to B and what experiences are associated with this. In the museum night "young and mobile?" on 03 June we present the results of the working week: artistically staged on the workbenches in the gallery, scenically read or played in the castle and park, and musically framed.

Starting with the program day "Young in July" on 01 July In 2023, we will present a large part of the results of our research on the annual theme of youth in the gallery: photo portraits and quotes on the walls, audio pieces, literature, films and a graffiti folder in the newly equipped annual theme module. The workshop book no. 8 YOUTH with all the texts on the discussions on the annual theme will then be published by the beginning of 2024 at the latest.

Together with amateur play groups from various heritage sites and supported by professional actors, dramaturges, directors, we develop small theater scenes, inspired by stories or anecdotes that have shaped the heritage sites. Under the title "The rupture on stage - stories of the cultural heritage places in scenes and pictures" we present the plays on September 02 at the Fischerhaus in Altranft and at the 03 September 2023 at the Theater am Rand.

Three solo exhibitions are on view this year in the newly conceived picture salon:
from 01 April "Soul Pictures" by Florian Männel with drawn and painted portraits of young people,
from 03 June the photo series "Manhattan - Street of Youth" by Stephanie Steinkopf, created between 2008 and 2012 in Letschin,
from 02 September "Simultaneities - portraits of young people from the Oderbruch" by Stefan Schick from 2011.