Music theater to listen to

While the story was conceived by Charlotte Martens, Heike Matzer wrote and set the songs to music, of course with the support of the children. Here you can find all the songs of the last years, recorded by Heike Matzer and Niko Kollmann in the Acoustic Sound Studio. Taratouphle << lyrics and sheet music to download Hey old house << lyrics and sheet music to download Odernixe Binetta << lyrics and sheet music to download Three little pigs << lyrics and

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Employee wanted

Job advertisement of the education department of the Oderbruch Museum Altranft Administration of educational offerings at the Oderbruch Museum Altranft (20 hrs/week) Start from 16.March 2022, in permanent position At the Oderbruch Museum Altranft, many new educational offerings have been created in the last 6 years. The various workshops and school projects are visited by numerous children and young people, who can get to know the landscape, people and culture of the Oderbruch here with different creative techniques. From mid-March we are looking for support (20 hrs/week,

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A plea for strong nerves

Helgard Haug in exchange with Kenneth Anders
The Oderbruch Museum in Altranft has reinvented itself in recent years. Theater maker Helgard Haug from Rimini Protokoll wanted to get an idea of this. A museum visit at Lockdown during the Corona Pandemic was not possible, but instead she talked with program director Kenneth Anders about his and her work online.

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