Homeland Festival

September 19 and 20

One landscape, four places, The bus, art, many people and a festival.
What is home - seeing, hearing, talking, celebrating, participating, creating.
Home is made and changes.

With the Heimatfestival Oderbruch we wanted to explore together with interested people from Golzow, Letschin, Wuschewier and Neurüdnitz what Heimat means here in the Oderbruch. We presented the results on September 19 and 20, 2020 in Golzow, Letschin, Wuschewier, Neurüdnitz. Our festival bus, itself conceived as a place, connected the places with each other.
We were not only interested in promoting the neighborhood in the Oderbruch and the joy of self-description of the landscape, we also wanted to get into conversation about the peculiarities of rural culture and about successful life in the Oderbruch. An extensive project documentation, a small documentary film, some Ö-tones and pictures give an insight into the festival weekend:

<<<To the documentation
<<<Pictures from the festival by René Arnold

About home - sound recordings from Neurüdnitz

from Alex Schirmer

Mrs. Leuper

Regenberg family

Mrs. Pfeiffer

Tobi and Jule

Impressions of the work on the festival bus

from Jakob Rüdrich