Vacation workshops

Drawing, filming, experimenting: we regularly organize vacation workshops at various locations in the Oderbruch where you can immerse yourself in a topic. Simply register for the next vacation workshop and join in!

Info, registration & vacation newsletter:

Next vacation workshop:

Film workshop at the Haus der Naturpflege

Cinematographer, director or would you prefer sound engineering? In the vacation workshop, you can get to know the world of filmmaking and try out the different areas. And: at the end of the week we celebrate the premiere!

When: October 21 - 25 (fall vacation) 10.00 - 15.00
WhereHouse of Nature Conservation, Bad Freienwalde
Who: from 8 years
Premiere: on 25.10. at 13.00 in the Haus der Naturpflege
Participation is free of charge.

Registration under:
Tel.: 0157 84053321

Previous vacation workshops: