Castle Park Test

The Altranfter Schlosspark is a gem of Brandenburg landscape architecture.

It was created in the 19th century in the time of the Counts of Hacke and is preserved and maintained to this day as a valuable garden monument. You can visit and enjoy it even on days when the museum is closed. Some museum objects - from the cabbage digger to the open-air exhibition - outline the thematic range of the museum.

2020 - Putin in Altranft - the Soviet army in a village

Under the joint heading "Altranft between War and Peace" we present two art projects as part of Kulturland Brandenburg 2020 - War and Peace: With "Putin in Altranft," the Oderbruch Museum, together with the draftswoman Johanna Benz, is devoting itself to memories of the presence of the Red Army in Altranft from the immediate post-war period until the withdrawal of Soviet forces in the early 1990s. In the castle park, 22 drawings will be on display in an exhibition.

2020 - the fixed cabinet by Antje Schiffers

With "Three Celebrations and a Closet for a Year," Antje Schiffers designed the main artistic project for the annual theme PEOPLE at the Oderbruch Museum. She accompanied many of the interviews in which men and women were asked about their commitment to the community, from a wide variety of professions, at different ages, each in their own way. With each one, she found an object that could be used to tell a story - about the lender, but also about the joys and pitfalls of community service.

For these objects she built a fixed cabinet for the park with the Altranfter Tischer Hannes Grap, which was opened every morning and closed every evening.

As the number of objects in the cabinet grew, so did the film that told about them. This film was shown on a screen, about 100 meters opposite the fixed cabinet, in the castle. Here, specially designed tablecloths with Oderbuch motifs also lay waiting to be used; for they were used to set tables at which people celebrated together in the summer at specially arranged banquets.

2017 to date: objects in the castle park

Since 2017, large objects related to the annual themes have been on display in the castle park. The most striking object is still the large haulm dredger, which the Water and Dike Association set up for the annual theme of water. At that time, it supplemented the objects with a former wheelhouse including electrical equipment, a push barge for material transport on waterways, a 100-year-old pump of a pumping station and an impressive working jetty of a pumping station.

The Krautbagger remained, but in the following years objects or works of art matching the new annual themes were exhibited - for example a do-it-yourself shed (erected by our janitor Jürgen Neumann), a rubble slide or an old fishing barge, which with the inscription BUCK (Oderbuchplatt for obstinacy) became the outdoor object for our annual theme EIGENSINN, which can still be seen in the park today.

2016: a craftsman's house for Altranft

2016 was the first year of the Oderbruch Museum. We participated with our annual theme in the call of Kulturland Brandenburg "handwerk - zwischen gestern & übermorgen". The "craftsmen's house for Altranft" in the project idea of Lars Fischer and the conception of Barbara Anders was created with local carpenters in the castle park and was at the same time a carrier for the contents of our own annual theme: photographs of craftsmen's hands, tools and materials and texts from the interviews with over 30 craftsmen from the Oderbruch. Among them were building trades, the food craft, but also professions that are dying out in our region, such as saddler, blacksmith, basket maker or shoemaker.

The half-timbering was later dismantled and then reassembled in the form of a house on the quarry field in front of the castle. It serves there as a reference object to the museum. The photographs and quotes of the craftsmen can be seen in the forge yard at Schneiderstraße 18.