Collecting in August

Saturday, August 7

Sammelgegenstände, ein altes Bügeleisen

Collecting Day - German-Polish Homeland Fair - food - drink - salon talk - open workshop offer

What is collected and why? How and where can it be stored and displayed? And above all: Is it okay to throw something away? The Oderbruch Museum will try to answer these questions on its next program day, delving further into the annual theme of "Stubbornness". Right at the start of the event at 11 a.m., two large towers made of collection objects will be unveiled, marking the beginning of a new exhibition with objects from the museum collection. Responsible for this are the museum's collection curators Nadja Hirsch and Peter Herbert, who will explain the many wayward objects on this day. The towers are real treasure troves for the musical highlight: the ensemble "Sammeltonium Wunderland" from Dresden will play free improvisations on found objects of various origins, including things from the "Schaudepot". In the afternoon, a talk on collecting old things is planned at 3 pm. Here the visitors of the Berg-Schmidt-Hof are called to discuss with invited guests. The museum already called for a special experiment in the run-up to the program day: The Altranfter were and are asked to lend the museum local historical things, in order to equip the historic farmhouse on the farm belonging to the museum ensemble more site-specific. 

At the same time, a German-Polish meeting for heritage culture will take place on this day. The contacts established last fall with potential Polish heritage sites are to be deepened. Last year, museum staff traveled east of the Oder River with students from the universities in Eberswalde and Potsdam to prepare for cooperation - this year, the Polish partners will be invited to Altranft to explain the museum's networking activities and to discuss deeper cooperation. 

Admission is free and, of course, refreshments will be provided in the cafeteria of our museum.