Turn the whole school day upside down for a week. No school bell, all teachers are not in class and take part in a media education workshop themselves and 13 workshop leaders fill the school with new content and methods for five days. What sounds very unusual has become a reality for Altreetz elementary school this year.
At the beginning, all the children were faced with the choice: which workshop would I like to take part in? The class structures were dissolved and the children in grades 1-3 could choose between comics, shadow theater, dance, animated film, building, dioramas and choir & percussion. Grades 4-6 could choose between gaming, graffiti, social media, podcast, dance and rap. Unfortunately, the latter was canceled at short notice due to illness.
Here are a few impressions and results from the week:
Animated film
Here you can find the games that were created during the week: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/34139112
Shadow theater
Social media
School radio" podcast

A cooperation project between the Altreetz elementary school, the SPI Foundation and the Oderbruch Museum Altranft. Supported by Plattform Kulturelle Bildung, Demokratie Leben, Stadt Bad Freienwalde and Kultur macht stark.