Mobile workshop

Audiowerkstatt im HInterhof

In the mobile workshop, young interested people deal with exciting stories of a cultural heritage site. Creative media are used to shed new light on historical to current topics. Four workshops are available.

Audio workshop:
How nice it is to just listen! Once a topic and the right format have been found, we can get started. We conduct interviews, create our own sound effects, produce audio collages and podcasts.

Printing and painting workshop:
Everyone perceives things differently. Capturing the knowledge, impressions and ideas and sharing them with others is something very valuable. For this purpose, we print with milk cartons, leaves, woolen threads and cabbages or draw, paint, brush, stencil, erase, smear & clue until we have found the appropriate form of expression.

Museum workshop:
In a museum, people collect. Countless things are waiting to be discovered. After finding out why these objects are in a museum, the participants develop new forms of presentation in animated films or animations.

Model making:
Many things are best explained using a model! Whether technically complex, scenically picturesque or simply whimsical, many things can be represented in a model. Ideas for the future can be captured or historical scenes can be re-enacted.

at a cultural heritage site

4 to 10 children and teenagers,
Minimum age 8 years

3 to 5 hrs.

the offer is free of charge

For all heritage sites the offer is free of charge! You choose one of the four offers in which four to ten young people from the age of eight can participate. On a day of your choice, you book a workshop leader through us, who brings all the necessary materials to you. You could show the project results on site and they will be presented afterwards on the website

0 33 44 - 155 39 02

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Results of the Mobile Workshop

Model-making workshop in the colonist village of Neulietzegöricke
2024, Jakob Rüdrich

First, old electrical appliances were taken apart and then models of Neulietzegöricke were developed from the inner workings. The details are important, because not every village is built the same way.

Printing workshop in the Bliesdorf Heimatstube
2024, Peggy Neumann

The children captured the landscape of the Oderbruch on paper in bright colors. Using watercolor and ink, they created beautiful postcards for the Bliesdorf Heimatstube.

Printing workshop in the Wuschewier school and prayer house
2024, Peggy Neumann

Between laughter, stories about school back then, why the priest was also the teacher and the philosophical thoughts of the children, postcards were created for friends, grandparents and for framing yourself, because everything good must be preserved, no matter how old it is.

Printing workshop at the Oderberg Inland Navigation Museum
2024, Peggy Neumann
Anchor or steering wheel - first the young people designed their own stamps with symbols of shipping and then printed postcards using a special printing technique.

Model making workshop at the Thear exhibition in Möglin
2024, Jakob Rüdrich
What could agricultural equipment look like in the future? Young people screw together fantastic ideas from old equipment and, like agronomist Albrecht Thear, allow for a bit of utopia.

Media lab at Haus Lebuser Land
2023, Stefan List
With the help of the Makey Makey circuit board, conductive objects can be programmed to play sounds when touched. The children explored the museum collection in Lebus in a completely new way.

Audio workshop in the Heimatstube Langes Haus Altfriedland
2023, Jakob Rüdrich
In this audio piece, the children take us on a sonic journey through the history of Altfriedland.

Painting workshop in the Altwriezen replacement church
2023, Bettina Männel
Postcards as small souvenirs of a place. Drawn by young people from Altwriezen.

Model making workshop in the Podelzig church ruins  
2023, Jakob Rüdrich
Exciting structures and fascinating statics: using the spiral staircase of the church ruins in Podelzig, the children develop their own static models.

Museum workshop in the inland navigation museum Oderberg 2023, Stefan List
Various objects from the museum collection tell their own story. Set to music and animated by the children from Oderberg.

Museum workshop in Wollup local history museum 2023, Stefan List
What does a garden pot, a telephone, a potato squeezer or a historical sofa actually think? Fascinating ideas from children, conceived and set to music in the Heimatstube Wollup.

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Financed by the Kommunale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kulturerbe Oderbruch.
With the support of the districts of Märkisch-Oderland and Barnim, the cities of Bad Freienwalde (Oder), Seelow and Wriezen.