Image film - People make landscape

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Image film - People make landscape

A film on the application - European Heritage Label

The application of the network of cultural heritage sites for the European Heritage Label is entering the home stretch. At the end of 2021, the European jury will decide whether the Oderbruch will receive this seal. Accompanying the application, a 6-minute image film was shot by Johanna Ickert and Renè Arnold, which conveys the essential contents and goals of the cultural heritage initiative. Together with the brochure Menschen machen Landschaft (People make landscape), which contains the entire application, and an intensified public relations work this year, the image film is to strengthen the public perception.

The film links the three important content strands of hydraulic engineering, colonists and rural society with the presentation of European significance and shows the diversity and richness of the heritage sites. The "narrators" at the heritage sites guide the viewer through the landscape. The film also hints at how cultural heritage is worked with in the Oderbruch. Footage from the youth films on cultural heritage sites or the theatrical trailer for the play "Die Kümmerer" are already available.

The Oderbruch Foundation financed the film music, which Gert Anklam & Beate Gatscha from Liquid Soul recorded on the Wasserstichorgel at the Neutornow Schöpfwerk.

The film was completed in September and is subtitled in English and Polish.