Knotting nets? - Weave networks!


An installation project by and for the whole of Oderberg in the church of St. Nikolai.

There will be a lot going on in our St. Nikolai Church in Oderberg as part of the annual theme of CHURCH in the Oderbruch. The parish and the Oderberg Inland Navigation Museum want to create an artistic installation, a kind of social sculpture, in the church under the motto "Knotting nets". Everyone is invited to take part!
Various contributions are tied to a fishing net from Oderberg. Contributions from the citizens, from the school, from the clubs. The aim is to create an installation from the town that shows that we are connected to each other in many different ways: We are connected to each other in many different ways. So anyone who wants to contribute something (a picture, a text, something they have made, ...) is invited to weave it into the net in the church.

For more information, simply attend the open-air opening service at the RIESA in Oderberg on 01.06.2024 at 2 pm. Contributions can be submitted from this time - so that the diverse relationships in and around Oderberg become visible. Throughout the summer, concerts will also take place in and around Oderberg, because music unites us all.