Swiss House Seelow

All texts and recordings were made by the students of class 5c from Seelow.

Here at Schweizerhaus Seelow, we, class 5c from Seelow Elementary School, interviewed three protagonists. We also created 3 podcasts, shot films and edited them. It was fun, exciting and you learned something everywhere because the protagonists told us something about their favorite places. For example, Mrs. Lüdemann showed us where she taught florists and gardeners. She is also a hunter, so she knows a lot about nature. Mr. Trzewik told the children about the history of the Schweizerhaus. He explained to the children why the deer boar was purchased and what sponsorship is all about. Mrs. Koblitz told them when the Goethe House was built or finished. She also explained that she lived there for 10 years and worked in the gardens. Many children saw how it works behind the camera. They held a microphone or a camera and realized that it is not so easy. There were also children who didn't even know Schweizerhaus at the beginning and were seeing it for the first time. Nevertheless, it was a great time here. There was playing, laughing and everyone had fun although there were a few sick cases.

A certificate for a donation for the deer boar

You get the deer boar sponsorship certificate when you donate money.

Porcelain shards from the deer boar were found in a stable of the Swiss house. However, not all the shards were found. Later the local history society learned about an auction with an intact deer boar and tried to collect enough money. When the woman who owned the deer boar found out for what purpose the Schweizerhaus wanted to buy the deer boar, she lowered the price remarkably. As a result, the purchase could be made. Moreover, she transported it to the Schweizerhaus without any acquisition costs. With a sponsorship one could support the purchase of the deer boar.

We have received the information from Uwe Trzewik.
Zaki, Alex, Niklas, Ben,Laura

Uwe Trzewik
Student interview with Uwe Trzewik

The Schweizerhaus in the GDR

Frau Koblitz als junge Frau
Mrs. Koblitz was one of many workers and had a lot of fun doing it.

On the area of Schweizerhaus there was a nationally owned farm, which was a part of Wollup and Werbig. A lot of crops were grown, for example: Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, flowers and mushrooms. The horses helped in the field. The work was exhausting but sometimes not.
Vivien, Mika, Ben, Lena, Lennart, Dustin

Gärtnerinnen  beim Pflanzen im Gewächshaus
The cabbage plants are set.
Frau Koblitz
Student interview with Ms. Koblitz

The nature discovery trail

Mrs. Lüdemann built the nature adventure trail last year. She took a lot of trouble and today you can fill the boring hours with fun. There are many stations, a few of them are the smelling station, a snack garden and a feeling station. Of course there is more, for example two raised beds to get to know different herbs, two shelters for the animals looking for a home as well as a willow dome to relax. 
Felix, Marie, Matilda, Jusof, Junus

Schild Naturerlebnispfad
Mrs. Lüdemann's favorite place is the nature discovery trail
and it celebrates this on GEO Day.
Cosima Lüdemann
Student interview with Mrs. Lüdemann

The student project took place within the framework of "Cultural Heritage Digital - Content Community Oderbruch" takes place. A project of the Landscape Education at the Oderbruch Museum Altranft - Workshop for Rural Culture and the Municipal Working Group Cultural Heritage Oderbruch.