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Jochen Schmidt, born in East Berlin in 1970, studied in Bucharest and spent time abroad in Brest, Valencia, Rome, New York and Moscow. In 1999 he co-founded the Berlin reading stage "Chaussee der Enthusiasten". He is a translator and author, among others of the novels "Schneckenmühle", "Zuckersand", "Ein Auftrag für Otto Kwant" The novel "Phlox", published in 2022, was on the longlist for the German Book Prize. Jochen Schmidt lives in Berlin.

The project is funded within the framework of "Neustart Kultur" of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media by the German Literature Fund e.V.

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Other dates in the village church Neulietzegöricke:
Sunday, June 11, 15:00: JENNY ERPENBECK reads from "Visitation".
Sunday, 6.8. 2023, 15:00: KAREN DUVE reads from "Regenroman".

OderBuch is an initiative of the Club of Colonists Neulietzegöricke e.V.

The project is funded within the framework of "Neustart Kultur" of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media by the German Literature Fund e.V.

Other dates in the village church Neulietzegöricke:
Sunday, June 11, 15:00: JENNY ERPENBECK reads from "Visitation".
Sunday, 6.8. 2023, 15:00: KAREN DUVE reads from "Regenroman".