Program day 7 December 2024
An Advent concert in the Altranft patron saint's church
On December 7, the second Advent, the Oderbruchmuseum will host the last program day of the 2024 season.
Advent is a special time, it marks the beginning of the new church year and the start of preparations for Christmas. It is a time of quiet Sunday afternoons when stories can be read and songs sung. We invite you to an exhibition talk in the castle and to a small Advent concert with wind and choir music and readings with stories from the Oderbruch in the patronage church. The annual theme of CHURCH is also coming to an end and work on the final workshop book is underway.
We start the program day at 1 p.m. in the upper foyer of the castle with a talk on the exhibition "Knocking on heaven's door" by Julien Grey. For several weeks now, we have been showing a selection of his black and white 3D photographs of village churches in the Appalachian Mountains, the eastern USA and the Oderbruch region. As Julien Grey, who studied photo design at the Lette-Verein Berlin from 1999 to 2001 and is dedicated to experimental photography and filmmaking, was unable to attend the opening, we would now like to talk to him at the end of the exhibition. "The history of the Oderbruch and the Appalachians," he writes about his pictures, "don't seem to have much in common at first glance. But if you take a closer look, they do." What do they have in common? One was the guaranteed religious freedom for immigrant Christians in the 18th century. We look forward to a stimulating discussion with you and the artist.
At 3.00 pm, the trombones will sound in the Altranft patron saint's church. To kick off the Advent concert, the Strausberg trombone choir under the direction of Martin Leue will play Christmas pieces. The voices of the Neutornow church choir under the direction of Sieglinde Blache join in. Readings of short stories complete the program. Among others, Kenneth Anders will read "Christmas in the Shepherd's House" by Gustav Schüler, an almost forgotten author with close ties to the Oderbruch region. Lars Fischer is still looking for stories to read. Let us surprise you. The trombone choir, church choir and readings will alternate, Sieglinde Blache will accompany some songs on the organ and anyone who wants to can join in and sing along.
Anyone who has not yet seen the exhibitions on the annual theme of CHURCH can use this day to do so, as admission to the program days is free. However, it will not be possible to see all the details of the exhibition on the annual theme in the patron saint's church during the Advent concert. We ask for your understanding.
The cafeteria in the castle is of course open.
We look forward to many visitors!
A contemplative Advent season.
Sat December 7, 2024