Program day on June 1 from 11.00 a.m.
The program day in the castle tells of peace and resistance, of cemeteries and political conflicts, but also of the spiritual power of religious places in the Oderbruch.
11.00 a.m. Opening of the exhibition "Faith and Power"

The exhibition "Faith and Power" about the relationship between church and state in the Oderbruch region from the Prussian era to the present day is opened to the sound of various church bells. Whether royally guaranteed freedom of faith, the confessing church under National Socialism, the church in the GDR and in the present day - this spatial installation sheds light on a complex topic that always involves the question of when to resist the state. In light of the installation, the themes of the exhibition can also be explored in depth in a discussion with pastor Arno Leye from Neutrebbin and chronicler Detlef Mallwitz from Ortwig. Both were involved in the research. A booklet will be published to accompany the exhibition, in which the results of the research will be presented in more detail.
13.00 Vernissage of the exhibition "Thorns and Roses" by Dorothée Irene Müller

In the picture salon, we are showing some works by the painter Dorothée Irene Müller from Buckow/Märkische Schweiz, who has explored places of spiritual power and religious tradition in the Oderbruch region and captured her experiences in sensitive pictorial worlds. The paintings were created especially for the annual theme of CHURCH.
15.00 Presentation of the results of the summer school "Church cemeteries in the Oderbruch as social, ecological and cultural places"

The focus of the afternoon will be on tranquillity. In collaboration with students from the University for Sustainable Development in Eberswalde (HNEE), we will use an installation to approach church-run cemeteries in the Oderbruch region as places of remembrance and mourning and as landscape elements with special ecological characteristics. Historically, cemeteries in Germany belonged to the local parishes. In the Oderbruch region, many of the cemeteries are still in the care of the church today. The shrinking communities often reach their limits in terms of maintenance. Demographic, cultural, bureaucratic and technical changes are also transforming the cemeteries. In the Yellow Salon, we will discuss these and other questions in more detail, including the reasons why people are caring for these landscape elements today.
DateSat June 1, 2024