A group of artists from the Kulturladen team of the Förderverein Wilhelmsaue e.V. wanted to visit four cultural heritage sites together in order to trace the intrinsic nature of these places. They chose museums: the Oderlandmuseum in Bad Freienwalde, the Schifffahrtsmuseum in Oderberg, the Chamisso Museum in Kunersdorf and the Thaer Memorial in Möglin.
With open eyes and ears, they moved through the exhibitions, using sketch pads and cameras to capture what stubborn things came their way, had many things explained to them, traced special features, and created ideas about what could be created from their impressions.
They have designed collages for each place, which will be printed as postcards and made available to the individual heritage places.
The postcards are currently being printed and will soon be available at the museums mentioned above.