
Imprint Provider of this Internet presence in the sense of § 5 TMG Museumsverein Altranft e.V.Schneiderstr. 1816259 Bad Freienwalde OT Altranft Phone: 0 33 44 - 33 39 11 Represented by Prof. Dr. Uta Steinhardt Association Board: Bernd Hoffmann and Bernd NeumannVereinsitz: Bad Freienwalde OT AltranftVereinsregister: VR 6308 FF Amtsgericht Frankfurt/O Editing and responsible for content Program office of the Oderbruch Museum Altranft represented by Dr. Kenneth Anders Image rightsOderbruch Museum AltranftAlex Pop SchirmerStefan SchickBüro für LandschaftskommunikationUli

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