Oderbruch Nature 2022

A photo exhibition with works of the Kienitz local association "Heimat und Landschaft" e. V. and a lecture on the "Diversity of the fauna and flora of the Oderbruch in the 18th century".

by Dr. Antje Jakupi from Berlin in the Letschiner Heimatstuben

The exhibition will be opened on Saturday, 17.09. at 14:00 in the Letschiner Heimatstuben "Haus Birkenweg", followed by a lecture by Mrs. Jakupi.

The project is an attempt to convey our Oderbruch in its original landscape before the draining in the 2nd half of the 18th century. Today's visitors look at large-scale fields, old and new villages, loosely-knit farmsteads, ditches, dikes, lifters and pumping stations that were built to maintain a balance with the waters of the Oder. This process has lasted for over 300 years, transforming an undeveloped wilderness into a modern "landscape machine". From this point of view, the visitor has to use a lot of imagination to imagine the Oderbruch comparable to the Spreewald.

The landscape of that time will be "traced" in the lecture of Dr. Antje Jakupi and the question will be answered, which diversity of fauna and flora prevailed in the Oderbruch, before humans intervened in this cycle with the beginning drainage.

The exhibition of photographs of the Kienitz local association "Heimat und Landschaft" e. V. are on display until November 6, 2022.