September ear thing

Saturday, September 4

Photo A.Schirmer

Harvest crown tying / Music / Reading / Children: Build a tractor! / Cake from the wood oven

September ear thing

On the first weekend of September, we maintain with the Altranfter Traditionsverein the custom of tying harvest crowns. However, other groups, associations, families, groups of friends are also called upon to bind their very own harvest crowns at the Fischerhaus with us (please register in advance). The day will be musically accompanied by Martin Klingenberg (trumpet/guitar) and Mr. Böhm (accordion). Children and young people will make great tractors under guidance, which will take part in a mini tractor parade and competition at the upcoming harvest festival in October. From the early afternoon on, there will be cake from the Altranfter wood-burning oven, hearty food from the grill, and the gathering will be crowned with a reading from the book "Kühe in der Waschanlage" (Cows in the car wash) by Hubert Wiggering, illustrated by Johanna Benz. 

04. September 2021 / 11-17 h
Free admission (small donation requested)

It's going to be a golden, beautiful early fall day.