People in July

July 4, 2020

Exhibition "Land & People" - redesign exhibition Spritzenhaus -
Salon talk local politics - Second festival for committed Oderbrücher - Film afternoon - Open museum workshop

Based on our interviews, we present the exhibition "Land und Leute" (Country and People) with photos and quotes from people who are committed to rural society in the Oderbruch. Antje Schiffers hosts her second festival for these people and opens the kiosk in the castle park for it. In an installation in the Spritzenhaus at the Dorfanger we make the volunteer fire departments of the present visible. The salon talk follows the special challenges of local politics in the villages and small towns of the Oderbruch. In addition, we show the film "Im Stillen laut" by Therese Koppe about Erika Stürmer-Alex and her partner Christine Müller-Stosch from the Oderbruch and their special story. 

Saturday - July 4, 2020 - 11-17 h - Castle