Cultural heritage place in film

Cultural heritage places on film

Schools in the Landscape Education Network launched a film series on heritage sites in the Oderbruch in 2019. Each heritage place tells about the special features of the landscape.

Under the guidance of professional filmmakers, the students learned within a week how to create a film about their homeland from observations and discoveries. Film off!

Young people from classes 7 + 8 of the Salvador Allende School in Wriezen went in search of clues to the cultural heritage site Alter Hafen in Wriezen.

The animated film about the school and prayer house Wuschewier was created with the secondary school Neutrebbin.

The films were made with the support of:
Eckhard Brennecke, Community of Interest Port of Wriezen e.V.
Karsten Ilm, Mayor City of Wriezen
Uwe Lau, Oderbruch Watercourse and Dike Association
Wriezen Volunteer Fire Department, Andreas Rosch and Robby Menzel
Anja Freyhoff and Thomas Uhlmann, Uhlmann + Freyhoff FILM
Bärbel Deuringer, Friends of the School and Prayer House Wuschewier e.V.
Stefanie Wagner, Friends of the School and Prayer House Wuschewier e.V.
Dirk Heinrich and Madlen Stiebler, the.distributors
Peggy Neumann