Comes together in September

September 5, 2020

Ringmarkt Oderbruch - Ährensache: Erntekronenbinden - Coffee talk for local culture - Open museum workshop - Festival for engaged Oderbrücher

"Ährensache" is our invitation to people from the region to tie their own harvest crown together with the Altranfter Traditionsverein. At the same time, the Ringmarkt Oderbruch, which could not take place in June, will be made up for on this day - experience a special craft fair! Our heritage team expects the partners from the heritage sites throughout the day to talk about joint plans and projects over coffee and cake. Alex will be waiting for you in the open museum workshop with the harvesting adiomoderation. On this busy and fun day, Antje Schiffers hosts her next festival for Oderbrücher people who are committed to rural coexistence.

Saturday - 5 . September 2020 - 11-17 h - Berg Schmidt Hof, Fisher House and Castle


11-15 h: Ear of corn thing: the harvest crown tying at the fisherman's house

(Stalls with various harvest crowns, coffee and cake at the wood-burning oven).

11-15.30 h: Ring market Oderbruch on the Berg-Schmidt farm

(Handicraft meets design, wood saw gate in operation, tethered flight and snack offer)3 p.m. at the Fischerhaus: presentation of the harvest crowns

3:30 p.m. at the Berg-Schmidt Farm:

Awarding the winner's ring at the ring market

4 pm in the castle park: Three parties and a wardrobe for a year.

Introduction to the main artistic project of the Museum 2020 by the artist Antje Schiffers