On the road in the cultural heritage

August 3, 2024

Last year, we hosted the "Festival of Quiet Gestures". This year, too, we start our tour at St. Mary's Church in Wriezen. Steffen Groß

KULTUR RADELN - Art meets church

A musical journey from the Marienkirche Wriezen to the Kolonistenkirche in Neulietzegöricke

with Nina Clarissa Frenzel on solo cello
August 3, 2024, 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m, Start: St. Mary's Church in Wriezen

Wriezen was the undisputed capital of the Oderbruch before it was drained in the middle of the 18th century and is now officially the gateway to the Oderbruch. So there can be no better starting point from which to explore the European cultural heritage of the Oderbruch.

This year's CULTURE CYCLING is dedicated to four church buildings in Wriezen, Altwriezen, Altwustrow and Neulietzegöricke. The designated cultural heritage sites will be cycled over a distance of 13 km. Short guided tours and artistic interventions focus on the stories of the monuments.

We will be joined by solo cellist Nina Clarissa Frenzel. She will bring all four church buildings to life in small mini-concerts. The artist will play her own compositions, which will enchant the audience with their poetry and delicate yet powerful sounds.

Solocellistin Nina Clarissa Frenzel © photo.renearnold.com
Solo cellist Nina Clarissa Frenzel © photo.renearnold.com

The tour starts at 11 a.m. at the Marienkirche Wriezen and ends at 4 pm at the Kolonistenkirche Neulietzegöricke. The offer is free of charge. You are responsible for your own catering during the entire tour and you are responsible for your own return journey. Coffee and cake are available at the Kolonistenkaffee Neulietzegöricke.


Sat. August 3, 2024