YOUTH heritage site Wuschewier

mobiler club

The school and prayer house in Wuschewier rethought by teenagers

What is your "safe space," what are "third places," and what the hell are "heritage places"? Do they also need them for young people and what would one look like for them?
These are the questions that young people from the surrounding area are asking themselves at the School and Prayer House in Wuschewier. For this purpose, the doors open every Saturday from 14.10. there.
Under the heading "Friendly Takeover - PopUp Space", teenagers can develop ideas and visions on these days between 4 p.m. and 10 p.m., where possible also implement them in parts and thus temporarily reuse the cultural heritage site School and Prayer House according to their ideas. In an interactive exhibition designed by the teens, which also encourages participation, the results should finally be made visible and at the same time be able to be expanded by visitors. A walk-in space of ideas is to be created in this way. A website has been created especially for the project and various activities have already been launched to get young people interested in the project, because the exhibition is just the first step. A visit to worthwhile.