Advanced training Landscape education

One-day training on landscape education at the Oderbruch Museum

The Oderbruch Museum offers landscape education as a special form of cultural education. Landscape is much more than just nature, it is our living space, which is characterized by work, fun and recreation but also by confrontation. In short, landscape is the setting of our lives with a variety of perspectives.
By talking to the people who live in the Oderbruch, we get to know the region and let something new emerge from it. This exploration of one's own living space is artistically implemented in various projects of the museum.

Part I: Museum tour

In the first part of the training, Dr. Kenneth Anders, program director, uses the museum's current exhibition to explain the methods of landscape education projects and provides tips for practical implementation.

Part II: Museum workshop

Afterwards, various techniques will be tried out in practice in the museum workshop.
The choices are:

Cooking workshop

For many Oderbruch residents, old knowledge of baking, cooking and preserving is part of everyday life. Do you still know the traditions of your grandparents for preserving? In the cooking workshop, Gabriele Koschnitzki will introduce you to different ways of preserving, such as fermenting vegetables, making pesto or preserving fruit.

Print workshop

Techniques such as monotype, letterpress and gravure printing can be tried out in the print workshop. With Peggy Neumann, a small booklet is made at the beginning. All the work steps, instructions and the results of their own prints can then be pasted in here. The end result is a product that contains everything important about printing.

Appointments for further training are made according to interest.


Landscape education
Maren Buhmann
0173 6871582
m.buhmann@or fracture

<<< Publication Play with space
<<< In addition to this, the Oderbruch Pavilion provides insight into landscape education concepts with many real-world examples.
<<< Materials for download